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...wait I mean 24 hours of booty! And no it's not what you think it is. It's a 24 hour charity cycling event. We are the shop sponsor of the event. I spent all week preparing for our part in the event and working the event. Boy am I tired! I spent the large majority of today in the bed. Not good for morale!Tuesday: Awoke at 6am to ride my bike on the news for the event. Wednesday: Well deserved day off and calm before the storm. Thursday: Packet pickup at the shop. I arrived at 7am and worked until 8 or 9pm. Long day with lots of people/commotion. Friday: Worked all day at the shop and then headed to the event to work our booth. Long, long night. I ended up crashing for a few hours in a VW bus wrapped up in a sleeping bag, sweating my ass off! Saturday: Woke up at 5:45am to find some of my coworkers passed out in the bus and some still awake. Ate breakfast and then rode with a couple of friends for support until I was kicked off the course for riding illegally. Went to work, ran around all day, no lunch, and then back to the booth to help with breakdown. Finally a night of rest!The worst part of this week; not being able to ride my bike as much as I would have liked!Funniest observation of the event: I was walking around with my boss and about a stone's throw from our setup was a million dollar RV where the founder of the event stayed. It was super cool looking with a rooftop patio area and a huge flat panel tv playing the Tour on the side. Here is a picture:
We were going to tour this monstrosity, but decided that the people in there were probably not awake yet. So...we turned around and headed back to our abode. I started laughing when I turned the corner only to find this...
We look super homeless and sketchy! But it was a lot of fun! Thanks to all of my coworkers that helped, friends of the shop, and my friends for stopping by and hanging out! Great cause for everyone who rode hard and pushed themselves!
Remember that band from the 90s, Hootie and the Blowfish. Well the lead singer, always called "Hootie" but really his name is Darius Rucker, is now a country singer. Did you know that? Well anyways...I really like his country songs and much prefer him singing this genre.Check him out here must warn you that if you don't like country music you probably won't like his songs, but I think they have a good message!
...err house! Going on day 3 or 4 of no air conditioning in the midst of July. Now I have two (2) oscillating fans in my room. One on each side of my bed. I am actually quite content. I haven't turned the AC on in my car all summer, so why do I need AC in my house? Oh yeah, hopefully there will be plenty of people walking through here and I need to make a good impression!
Another busy day at work...It was almost 5 o'clock before I realized it and had to sprint to the bank to deposit a couple of checks. Stayed late once again in hopes of selling another bike. Up early to ride with the women's!
My air conditioner has been out maybe one or two days, or more! I don't care. I don't spend a lot of time here anyways. I actually kind of prefer this. The house is hot and quiet! I will get it fixed eventually, but not tonight.
I put my mountain bike shoes on for the first time today since people were threatening to cut them off. It was actually very eerie. I did it AND rode my mountain bike. Mainly paved areas, but some grass/dirt.
Good day today. Lots of help at work. Good times at dinner and off to bed. Early morning yoga tomorrow!
I have been housesitting for the last 10 days. I have really enjoyed it. I have spent probably 5 hours total at my house recently. I just breeze in, breeze out. It crazy how messy things get when I'm not there to clean constantly.
Staying away from my house has been the theme of my life for the past few months. It will be the theme for the upcoming few months. My belongings will be scattered and I will change residences several times. Hopefully for the better!
There is something to be said about not feeling comfortable at your own residence. It's sad when you feel more at home at a friend's house.
Soooo...I haven't posted anything in awhile. I had a friend ask me the other day, "Katie what do you do all day?" Outside of work (which is extremely busy currently), I have a lot of tasks and activities that I am involved in. House sitting 2 houses, running errands, attempting to sell my house, riding my bike, eating my ass off, starting a second job, etc. Listing all of this off is making me tired!Weird day today...good things and scary things and douchebag things. Good stuff...I had a pretty big sale today, I received several compliments, and downloaded these free broadway songs on itunes that I received last week. Good songs! Scary things...a creepy guy I know that also knows a friend of mine did some really weird stuff today. Douchebag things...a guy I know did something that is good for my life but in a douchebag way! I am stealing this quote from a friend who stole it from another friend, but "douchebag is the new black!"AND a coworker of mine is having his daughter tomorrow!Busy day off tomorrow! Time to get some sleep!kt